Unleash the beast! (part 2)

What if… ??? Unfortunately, we can’t predict the future ☹.

But we can promise you this!
If the pandemic picks up, and travelling to Indonesia would become impossible again, you don’t lose your money! On the contrary: we have a great present. Not only will you be able to rebook to any future trip (no limitation in travel or booking period), for all new bookings we will increase your credit with an extra 10% to the already paid amounts.

And to give you that final push (and help us filling up the empty spaces after startup), we will offer a 20% discount on all trips with departure until July 01st.

Unleash the beast!

Ilike has become impatient to be released from the harbour. Indonesian government has announced that Balinese borders are open for tourism again, and we are ready to unleash the beast!

Ilike is ready to explore, and you can be part of it, again!

Read our blog with updates about Indonesia opening for tourism…

Being melodramatic is OK…

Upon arrival in Bali, the Ilike manager (Bruno) got a little melodramatic. The mascot of the boat, a little tree, seemed to send him a message of hope by showing beautiful flowers…

We believe it is ok to be melodramatic in these hard times.

Read our blog to read a message of hope, and get updated about the Ilike upgrades!

Nature is reclaiming its space…

If you are a romantic type of person (aren’t we all at least a little romantic?), I am sure your imagination will see fully recovered reefs, schooling fish and hunting predators. Sure, a 6 months stop of human activities will do good to nature!

But it could also mean something different. Nature reclaiming it’s space could be considered literally as a claim for space. So called “social distance” is a claim for space. The more people together in 1 place, the higher the risk will be for infection. That’s the ultimate claim for space!

Read our blog to see how we – at Ilike – respond to natures’ claim for space!

(and at the same time, dream away with sweet memories or get excited about new adventures!)